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Quick meal Arpol No. 2 chicken with rice and brew 1/2

Quick meal Arpol No. 2 chicken with rice and brew


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Quick meal Arpol No. 2 chicken with rice and brew

Quick meal Arpol No. 2 chicken with rice and brew

Product description

Food rations show their extraordinary usefulness in emergency situations as well as during long field trips, being an easy to prepare and carry alternative to canned food. Arpol food r ations are manufactured in Poland using high-quality ingredients, guaranteeing us a tasty and nutritious meal wherever we find ourselves. Set number 2 is based on nutritious rice with chicken and vegetables.

Arpol's food rations offer the user:
  • A nutritious and tasty lunch effectively adapted to difficult situations
  • Easy preparation thanks to the included chemical warmer
  • High calorie and carbohydrate addition in the form of rusks
  • Resistant to long storage under recommended conditions
  • Lightweight packaging that effectively insulates against environmental conditions

Arpol - Polish rations - equip yourself with emergency food supplies at Kolba military online store

Arpol food rations are packaged in the same way as military field meals. Sealed film with a thick, durable structure effectively protects the contents from both damage and water. Inside the package you'll find a base meal, here in the form of rice with chicken and vegetables (400 g), a packet of SU-1 special rusks (45 g), a chemical heater along with a sachet of water necessary for its activation, and pepper and salt so that we can slightly customize the dish to our preferences.

Arpol food rations - nutritious meals easy to prepare under any conditions

Thanks to the use of a chemical heater, Arpol rations are extremely easy to prepare and, importantly, flameless. This will make us not have to worry about the environment in which we prepare the meal, as well as eliminate the risk of burning it, which is a common phenomenon when using fuel cubes. The water-activated heater will allow in a few minutes to enjoy a warm and caloric meal, which will quickly give us strength and raise morale

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Technical data

Average nutritional value in 100 g of product before cooking:

  • Energy [kcal]

Manufacturer information

  • Manufacturer
    Arpol, Poland

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Katarzyna Kaczmarska

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