ASG (Airsoft Guns) are nothing more than electric, gas or spring-powered replica firearms, shooting 6mm round plastic pellets. These replicas are used in team games, where the goal is to eliminate the opponent by hitting them with your projectile. Very often, field games have an elaborate scenario, which reproduce combat operations with great realism. The rules of the game are determined by the participants before the game begins.




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Frequently Asked Questions

1️⃣ Asg - What is it?

ASG is the name for an outdoor game using replica firearms. Asg replicas are air devices that resemble firearms in appearance, which are adapted to fire balls used to hit the player of the opposing team. An asg replica (air soft gun) is a basic piece of equipment for a team game, in which players, by hitting balls, try to eliminate players of the opposing team. The appearance of replicas faithfully imitates firearms, but asg replicas are designed only to fire 6mm plastic balls. Like firearms, replicas can take the form of a pistol (revolver), carbine or shotgun. Asg replicas can be divided by the form of propulsion into: spring, gas (CO2, green gas, hp) and electric replicas. There are also replicas of firearms and white guns, which have a purely decorative function.

2️⃣ What balls for asg?

The choice of suitable balls for an asg replica is primarily dependent on the technical parameters of our replica. If we have a standard 6 mm asg replica, the main emphasis should be placed on the selection of balls of appropriate weight and quality. The weight of the balls determines the initial speed of the replica. The higher the speed, the heavier the balls we can use for our replica. For a stock replica with a velocity of up to 350 fps, 0.20 to 0.23 g balls are used. The key element is undoubtedly the quality and precision of the balls, which has a big impact on the accuracy and repeatability of the shots. High-quality balls will fit any type of barrel, including replicas with precision barrels. On the market there are standard balls made of abs, biodegradable balls (decompose under the influence of moisture), fluorescent balls (used with illuminators during night shooting). In the Kolba store we have a wide range of asg balls from Elite Force, Combat Zone and H&K, among others.

3️⃣ What kind of glasses for asg?

In ASG, eye protection is mandatory and is a key element of our safety during the game. Rushing bullets, of course, do not threaten the lives of players, but they can hit us painfully, which, if unprotected eyes, could end unfortunate. That's why eye protection in asg is so important.