When you buy a great quality Broil King brand barbecue, you quickly get the urge to experiment, often combining grilled and smoked flavors.
Acast-iron smoking box from Grillpro, together with the grill, will fully allow you to develop your culinary passions. You place the heat-efficient cast-iron container, as well as the type of chips of your choice, under the grill grate, and with them you will enrich the flavor of your dishes prepared outdoors.
After marinating pieces of meat or fish, all that's left is for you to do, place the box on the aromatizers, preheat the grill oven and arrange the delicacies on the grill. Now smoking gives food its characteristic qualities. You get them due to the interaction of the various components of smoke, obtained by slowly burning pieces of wood from the appropriate species of wood, after they have been soaked.