The BCB Mayday signaling mirror is a pocket-sized heliograph, used for remote communication, position indication and calling for help.
BCB Mayday is a small signaling mirror (50 × 50 mm), which is used to reflect sunlight directionally. The signals thus sent are visible from a distance of about 12 km.
The heliograph is made of durable polymer, which is covered with a durable reflective coating. In the central part of the mirror there is a hole (sight), which is used to determine the direction of the sent signal.
The back of the mirror bears instructions for use in English. A cord is attached to the mirror, so that the heliograph can be carried around the neck, thus protecting it from being lost.
The heliographcan be used for remote communication (for example, in Morse code), calling for help and indicating one's own position. Due to their small size, simple operation and effectiveness, signal mirrors have been used for years by soldiers, travelers, sailors and pilots.
Note: Signal mirrors can only be used during sunny weather.