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LyoFood Food LyoFood Fruit Orchard 30 g 1/3

LyoFood Food LyoFood Fruit Orchard 30 g


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LyoFood Food LyoFood Fruit Orchard 30 g

LyoFood Food LyoFood Fruit Orchard 30 g

Product description

LyoFood Fruit Orchard mix is the perfect addition to any breakfast - whether at home or in the field. The blend of strawberries, cherries and apples will enrich the taste of our oatmeal, giving us energy and motivation to keep going. Lyofood freeze-dried fruits contain all the benefits of these nutritious snacks, while being much lighter and easier to store. Whether on a long trek or an all-day hunt, they will provide us with a quick boost of energy. Thanks to the almost complete removal of water, we don't have to worry about mold as well as protecting our luggage from it.

Lyofood freeze-dried fruits stand out:
  • Preservation of the excellent taste and firm texture of fresh fruit
  • Healthy formula free of any chemical preservative additives
  • Extremely light weight, making them an ideal trekking snack
  • Resistant to long storage under recommended conditions
  • Convenient packaging that effectively insulates against environmental conditions

Lyofood freeze-dried fruits - Lyofood Owocowy Sad mix - an ideal choice for a snack in the field.

The secret to the properties of Lyofood rations is a process of depriving food of water called freeze-drying. The water is not removed by evaporation under temperature, but by first bringing it to a solid form and then performing sublimation, which strips the tissues of their water content. As a result, the food retains its structure, as much of its nutritional value as possible, and with it its full flavor. This makes Lyofood freeze-dried fruits taste delicious, while being free of the drawbacks of their original form.

Lyofood freeze-dried food - excellent Polish rations

In addition to its excellent taste, Lyofood freeze-dried food is ideally suited to the needs of long-term trekking or storage as a prepper. Lyofood freeze-dried fruits have a shelf life of 3 years thanks to the production method and proper packaging. The almost complete absence of water content protects them from the growth of fungi and bacteria. What's more, it significantly reduces their weight, so they won't be an appreciable addition to your luggage, which you will certainly appreciate during mountain treks.

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Technical data


  • Weight [g]

Average nutritional value in 100 g of product before cooking:

  • Energy [kcal]

Manufacturer information

  • Manufacturer
    LyoFood, Poland
  • EAN
  • Supplier symbol

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Grzegorz Grabda

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