TheFini Universal Choke Wrench from Real Avid is a multi-functional tool that combines a choke wrench for .410 to 10 ga calibers with a flathead screwdriver. Its small, folding knife-like design makes it very handy and fits easily into a shooter's or hunter's gear.
Real Avid Fini Universal Choke Wrench Multitool - lightweight and functional.
The tool features a stainless steel choke wrench, compatible with .410, 28, 20, 16, 12, 10 ga calibers. At the end of the wrench is a flathead screwdriver, ideal for adjusting scope turrets. The built-in Spring Lock allows the wrench to be locked in a fully extended position or at right angles to the handle.
The red aluminum handle facings are lightweight, durable and easy on the eyes. There is a key ring at the end of the grip, allowing the Fini to be clipped to a carabiner or retractor.
Real Avid Fini Universal Choke Wrench Multitool - features.
- Universal wrench for .410, 28, 20, 16, 12, 10 ga. caliber chokes.
- Flat screwdriver for correcting scope settings.
- Spring Lock for setting the wrench in two positions.
- Key wheel.
- Dimensions: 70 × 28 × 7 mm.